Event line-ups at the Library
November 14, 2021
On Nov. 15, UWF will host “Paws and Play at Pace Library” where students can come sit, stay and play with dogs from Service Dog University to help destress as finals inch closer. All UWF students are welcome to attend.
Service Dog University (SDU) strives to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities by providing service dogs to help improve his or her independence, dignity and quality of life.
“UWF Libraries is excited to bring back Paws & Play for the fall semester,” UWF reference librarian Kellie Sparks said. “This year’s event is a student-led effort to provide the campus with an opportunity to relax and unwind with furry friends. The event will feature service dogs from Service Dog University and games and activities from groups such as Peer Educators, Psi Chi and Recreation and Wellness.”
The UWF Library will also host “An Hour with Archives: Tales of a Prominent Pensacolian” with University Archivist Dean DeBolt. As Pensacola stakes its claim to national circus fame, Maxine the Elephant, who traveled throughout the United States, will be the topic of the talk. Students are welcome to join the Google Meet session on Nov. 22.
“Antarctica: Seasons of Water and Ice,” featuring the work of Dr. Wade Jeffrey, will be on exhibit on the second floor of UWF’s John C. Pace Library, Room 215, Oct. 23 through Dec. 12. A public reception will be held in the exhibit space on Nov. 29 from 5 to 7 p.m. To learn more about the exhibit, visit uwf.edu/tag.
For more information about “Paws and Play at Pace Library” and other library events at UWF, click here.