Pensacola Christian College cancels concert over age-old conflict

Austin Lloyd, Staff Writer

A British acapella group known as The King’s Singers has had its Feb. 11 concert at Pensacola Christian College (PCC) canceled at the last minute due to questions regarding the performers’ lifestyles. The group has stated that said questions revolve around some of its members’ sexualities.

This turn of events opens up a very relevant—and controversial—subject matter, one that tackles the intersection of LGBTQ+ representation and religious beliefs. Even in times when the beliefs are brought up delicately, it is nonetheless upsetting to those who view it as people being restricted from opportunities for merely being who they are.

In a statement posted on their Facebook page, The King’s Singers voiced their disappointment in response to the decision, stating that they have never had a concert canceled under these kinds of circumstances.

“This is the first time that anything other than bad weather, the pandemic or war has caused a concert cancellation in our 55-year history,” they said. ”We are disappointed not to have been able to share our music and our mission of finding harmony with over 4000 students of the college and the wider Pensacola community. We hope that any conversations that follow might encourage a greater sense of love, acceptance and inclusion.”

The responses that commenters left under the group’s post were overwhelmingly positive. Alison Barton, a commenter that Facebook labels as a “top fan” of the page, was one of many who encouraged the members to keep their heads up.

“You gentlemen are six of the most amazing and amazingly good human beings I’ve ever met,” Barton said. “You bring so much light and love into the world that so desperately needs it.”

Pensacola Christian College would have already been expected to address a matter so large, but the need for the school to do so only increased when considering that The King’s Singers had performed there in the past without any concerns coming to light.

PCC confirmed in its own Facebook post that the sexuality of one of the group’s members was what led to the concert’s sudden cancellation, stating that it must not endorse anything or anyone that it knows violates the standards of the Holy Scripture in any fashion. The statement went on to clarify that the group was treated respectfully upon being informed of the call.

While some appreciated the school’s honesty and refusal to back down on its beliefs, others felt that turning the group away displayed cowardice more than anything else. One commenter, Jim Black, did not hold back on his interpretation of the situation.

“This is not taking a stand biblically,” Black said. ”This is saving face with your customers. And the saddest part, this is not how you show the love of Christ.”

The King’s Singers will continue their tour through Canada before heading into Europe. It is currently unknown as to when they will return to perform in Northwest Florida.