Every week, a select group of impressive fencers gather at the UWF gym to battle with ancient weaponry like sabre, scabbards and swords. This mighty crew is captained by the husband-and-wife duo of Brad and Randi Cramer. They found romance through their love of the sport. Now they share that passion by teaching the techniques they’ve learned along the way.
Parrying, lunging and blocking are essential moves in fencing. Randi says that while fencing allows for students to exercise in a fun and easy way, it also enables the body to be toned – especially in certain areas.
“There are no flat butts at the HEMA tournament,” said Randi.
In addition to exercise, the club serves as an in-person European history lesson. Students can expect to learn hand-to-eye coordination by replicating the ancient moves of swordsmen by using their antique weaponry. Clanging can be heard as it echoes off the walls, and it’s hard to not be reminded of Rob Reiner’s “The Princess Bride,” which instructor Brad references during lessons.
“When ‘Inigo Montoya and The Man in Black’ are talking about Capo Ferro, Bonetti and Agrippa, those are all real fencing masters,” said Brad. “We have their treatises, and we learn from them. That’s what we do here.”
Drawing from both fictional and real-life inspirations, the Cramer’s turn fencing into a practical sport, but they also cultivate a “found family.” The couple shares the sentiment that fencing is one of the only sports where you can make friends by stabbing them with (capped off) pointy objects – and it’s true. Several friendships have blossomed throughout the club’s life, and those groups go on to perform together in festivals and tournaments.
Harking back to “The Princess Bride”, instructor Brad mentions core fencing scenes that exemplify the friendly fights that have unified students.
“When I watch fight choreography like that, I can see that it isn’t a duel to the death,” said Brad. “They’re testing each other and making friends whether they realize it or not.”
Regular practice will be held for the next few weeks in preparation for the Gatalop event in Dauphin, Alabama. This event is a “dress-up” tournament, where members of the fencing team adorn themselves in medieval European garments and battle against opponents, just in time for Halloween weekend. The event is running from Oct. 27- 29.
If you’d like to join the UWF Fencing Team, visit their website where you can email the club president, Tao Duelz. Meetings are held Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Pedagogy Gym and Blue Studio respectively. Proper forms must be filled out in order to join.